Sunday, December 14, 2008

True copy of official government document granted to blog host by Minister of Culture Farouk Hosny's field office for access to Abu Sir and Dashur. Note: Permission granted after follow up call to Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC.

Note: Photo on left damaged due to excessive heat.

Top row: Blog host at Metropolitan Museum of Art and Brooklyn Museum - Egyptology Departments. Bottom row: Stylized acrylic tomb painting of Menna (commissioned), painted by blog host.

Alternate view of Sacred Lake, Luxor.

Nighttime display of lights at Sphinx Row, Luxor.

Fellucas upon the Nile, Aswan.

Close-up of temple facade of Thutmose III, Luxor.

Interior of Nefetari's Temple at Abu Simbel Complex, showing colonnade statues of Ramses II.

Sound and Light Show, Luxor Temple featuring giant statues of Ramses II.

Close-up of "Bent Pyramid," 80 mm. lens.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

King Tutankhamun funerary crypt, Cairo Museum.

The three main pyramids at Giza Complex. Note: Due to atmospheric phenomena, the Great Pyramid was darkened because of cloud flash. - ed.

Temple facade of god Horus at Edfu.

The Great Temple of Ramses II, at Abu Simbel.

Sphinx Row preceding Thutmose III's temple facade, Luxor. Note: In ancient times this avenue of sphinxes reached approximately 6 miles, from Luxor to Karnak. - ed.

Red Pyramid and Rombohedral Pyramid a.k.a. "The Bent Pyramid." Photo taken with special government permission granted to blog host - because this complex is located on a military base circa 1996.

Temple frieze, mortuary temple of Hatshepsut complex at Deir el-Bahri.

Temple of Philae on island of Agilika, viewed from Lake Nassar.

Oasis viewing the Red Pyramid in distance.

Sacred Lake, Luxor - "Precursor to the Sacred Lake of Guenevere."

Funerary bier of King Tut, Cairo Museum; "Wall of Gold."

Nefret and husband, Cairo Museum. (Nefret as Liz, or Liz as Nefret?)

Great Hall within hypo-style Luxor Complex; morning sun rays of Aknahten.